A new VIP initiative to grow confidence, insight and drive innovation has been launched. The Pulse Cinemas Breakfast Club!
Our team is always striving for new ways to support dealers, create opportunity and find methods of connecting our customers with those who can help grow their business. The Pulse Cinemas Breakfast Club has been created to do just that and it's off to a flying start!
“Building added value into what we do is baked into the DNA of Pulse Cinemas”, says Simon Schino, Director of Sales and Marketing. “This means that every interaction should feel bespoke and tuned to our dealer base, whether it’s buying a single cable or specifying a whole home with AV and automation equipment. Above and beyond that here at Pulse we have always been committed to going further and offering VIP and exclusive experiences that add value to our relationships with our dealers.”
Simon explains, “A classic example of this is our new Breakfast Club experience. The very first one has already taken place and offered a chance for invited dealers to interact in a small group with our very special guest, John Bagby, MD of Paradigm. Each Breakfast Club that takes place will tackle a given subject and this session focused on the issues of logistics that have affected everyone in the AV and home cinema world over the recent period. Dealers were able to have a full and frank discussion and learn directly from John how the company is coping and looking to deal with things moving forward.”
The format of a small number of dealers, (six in this instance), is designed to make any discussion manageable and be of genuine benefit offering a learning experience for everyone involved.
Simon adds: “All of the dealers we invited attended on the day recognising the potential for an initiative like this and so far the reaction has been fantastic. So much so that it cemented the idea that we were going to make this a regular occurrence. So, once a month, possibly more if the demand is there, a carefully invited VIP group of dealers will be invited to discuss a given topic in the presence of a special guest at Pulse HQ. Each Breakfast Club group will work together to get the most from the experience and stay in the same group to be invited back for discussions on further subjects, evolving the camaraderie of each group and helping dealers to support and inspire each other as well as receive insight from our special guests and the Pulse team.”
With it being a Pulse Cinemas event, the catering was naturally off the scale, with in-house created treats to suit everyone and set the group up for a fantastic discussion and powerful rest of the day. The next events are already being planned so stand-by in case you are called upon to join in and help move the industry forward.
A very big thank you to the dealers that attended the inaugural Pulse Cinemas Breakfast Club; Art Of Integration, Nucleus AV, Immersive Cinema Rooms, New Wave AV, Custom Sight & Sound and Electric Frog.