Take advantage of this important opportunity to up-grade to even better performance from Kaleidescape.
In January, Kaleidescape made the welcome announcement that the company would continue to support Premiere customers with either new or remanufactured products to ensure that those who had invested in this part of the platform could continue to enjoy their systems. As part of that ongoing support, Kaleidescape has also created a new Premiere to Premiere trade-up program that will allow clients to enjoy the best possible experience within the Premiere line. For your Premiere clients who have legacy systems, Kaleidescape and Pulse Cinemas are offering a 25% discount to trade up to the latest Premiere products. This is a great opportunity to help your customers upgrade older equipment, expand storage or add more zones to their system. And of course, the existing Strato/Terra add-on program remains in effect, allowing clients to add 4K capability to their Premiere systems with free Co-Star and 10% movie store credit to help upgrade movies to 4K.
Return packaging will be provided free of charge for products that are to be remanufactured. These include 1U and 3U servers, M300 and M500 players and M700 and DV700 vaults. Components must be in good cosmetic condition to be eligible for remanufacture.
Find out what systems are available for trade-up in the program details on the dealer extranet. Get in touch with our brand managers Simon Gibbs or Simon Schino if you have any questions about the deal or about Kaleidescape in general. The best content delivery system on the planet, just got even better!