Integration Designer 11 adds a built-in driver store, a new template with custom controls, support for RTI Music and more for residential and commercial applications.
RTI, distributed and supported by Pulse Cinemas, has announced a major new update to its award-winning Integration Designer control application software. The new Integration Designer 11 enables technology integrators to achieve faster, more efficient installations with all the advanced customisation for which RTI is renowned. It adds time-saving tools and features an all-new template, new icons and background libraries, custom sliders, and more to personalise residential and commercial projects.
“Integration Design 11 will elevate the performance for all our integrators, whether new to RTI or a seasoned pro,” says RTI CEO Joe Roberts. “With its intuitive new template, Integration Designer 11 delivers a fast and efficient start to any project while enabling powerful features and always a beautiful finish. And because we are RTI, of course Integration Designer 11 delivers the advanced customisation that lets integrators create user experiences that stand out from the competition.”
Creating with Coral
The new Integration Designer 11 showcases the all-new ‘Coral’ template with swappable backgrounds, customisable sliders across the touchscreens, scrolling viewports for mobile devices and new graphics and fonts—all with auto-programming that adds efficiency to every project. One example of its added efficiency is the built-in driver store, enabling integrators to find all drivers without leaving the software and searching on a separate driver site, saving time on every project. The integrated system manager—with adaptive auto-programming intelligence—is another important time-saving tool, adding efficiency, personalisation and performance to systems of all sizes. More than ever before, RTI programming is easily reusable, again saving integrators time on all projects.
“Whether it’s a residential or a commercial job, time is money,” continues Joe. “RTI integrators can save their programming for reuse on future projects. This ‘rinse and repeat’ convenience helps them start faster on the next job.”
But it’s not just about efficiency; Version 11 of the CEDIA Hall-of-Fame award-winning Integration Designer enables the integrator to personalise and customise solutions that meet every home or business owner’s unique needs. “Integration Designer 11 delivers a beautiful result every time,” says Joe. “But the customised automation behind the scenes is just as important, and on this, Integration Designer stands second to none.”
Since we took on the RTI brand, we have maintained that it is the best platform out there for mixing the skills of an installer, with fast and efficient installation. With this new upgrade this concept is taken even further forward. Installers can use the system to deliver reliable great looking systems and still offer a great level of personalisation. If the company has an experienced RTI programmer on staff, RTI can still deliver those very top end projects that require a different level of bespoke programming, whilst still using the new platform as a base. Our regular training at Pulse HQ will bring you up to speed with everything you need to know; get in touch and get involved!