We introduce the Dream Engine, a unique home cinema, design, demonstration and sales tool that immerses customers in a real time working home cinema virtual reality world.  

As the home cinema market expands and matures new ways are needed to impress clients and absorb them in a total package that will drive the need to buy right from the start.

When making major purchases in other sectors, consumers are offered all sorts of insights so that the buyer can get a strong impression of what the experience will be like. As well as test drives or the ability to experience a concept in the flesh, (like with our world-class demonstration facilities), many sectors are now turning to technology to add an extra level of personalisation and awareness into what the customer will actually receive at the end of the process.

Virtual Reality has been a tool available in various forms since the mid 1990s, but we firmly believe our Dream Engine immersive experience takes the performance and functionality of this sector to new heights.

The popularity and understanding around VR has increased in recent years. As well as more markets introducing VR into their high-end buying processes, TV shows such as Your Garden Made Perfect, have helped spread the word and many more people now understand that VR is a powerful tool in going from a blank canvas, through to design and completion of a project that exactly matches their needs.

Producing a high-performance VR experience for your customers puts you on trend and able to fully exploit this fantastic technology.

The Pulse Cinemas Dream Engine: How it works

Those of you that have attended one of our Open Days (if you haven’t signed up yet do so here), have had the chance to experience this new paid for service from Pulse Cinemas which completely immerses the user in a world created just for them. This world shows not just what their home cinema will look like, but how it will work and how we can design it to perfectly suit their preferences and needs.

Using a software package exclusively designed for Pulse Cinemas, users can be guided around and control an environment created just for them or a more general cinema space so they can gain a clear insight into how these systems work.

Users can experience in real time different screen sizes, system configurations, perceive how distance from the screen affects performance and even ‘see’ and hear how sound behaves in the space with mind-blowing software that shows how audio behaves and how we can tame and control that sound.

On experiencing the system, Ben Goff from CinemaLusso, commented, "Selling acoustics has always been tricky, we know it’s vitally important but it can be tough to communicate.The ability to visualise room modes and how the subwoofer/seat locations interact will be a game changer.”

The Pulse Cinemas Dream Engine convinces customers that they are buying into a truly high-end, fully engineered concept as well as giving them the chance to see and experience what their own cinema will be like before it is birthed into the real world.

What gives this system its power is that it goes beyond a simple imitation of what a room will look like, adding the performance experienced in the space, explaining how that performance is created and reassuring the customer that every eventuality can be catered for. Users can watch content inside the Dream Engine, a feature never offered before in this type of system, the James Bond clips have been going down very well at the Open Days.

VR has evolved and can now offer the home cinema market something truly exceptional and unique, all delivered by Pulse Cinemas. Our Dream Engine VR experience is just one of many tools we have at your disposal at Pulse Cinemas HQ.

Our Open Days are in full swing, morning and afternoon sessions are available, check the dates and make your choice. If none of these dates are suitable, just get in touch and we can arrange a day for you to come in, with or without clients and experience everything we can offer at our re-imagined demonstration facilities.

Whether it’s the ‘real world’ of our demo spaces or the expanded world of our Dream Engine VR service, a new journey into high-performance home cinema is guaranteed.